Photons & Fangs

Photons & Fangs Book 5 O the Photon Series - Photon

Paperback (04 Aug 2019)

  • $28.37
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Publisher's Synopsis

What is it like to grow up on a planet that combines futuristic technology and ancient mythology? Baron Von Wolf finds out the hard way. He also has a few other problems to deal with, namely being a reverse werewolf that would normally be a full wolf twenty-eight days a month and a human during full moons, while his wife is a traditional werewolf. And if his home life isn't complicated enough, he finds out Emperor Cat and Governor Centaur are blood relations who act more like professors than brothers. Throw in a mischeivious Puck, a computer with a female personality, and getting Death ticked off with you when you don't stay dead, and that's life on the planet Mythos

Book information

ISBN: 9781087278018
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Independently Published
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 654
Weight: 640g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 33mm