Publisher's Synopsis
INTERESTING TO KNOW THAT THE KINDLE VERSION OF THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE FOR YOU FREE IF YOU BUY THE PAPERBACK VERSION! AMAZING?Because aeroponic systems are so easy to use after they're built -- setting the grow lights and sump pump timers allows relatively hands-free growth -- the technology is coming into wider use.Small commercial outfits have found the technology useful for cutting costs and boosting profits. Aeroponics has become a favorite tool among serious growers of another variety of plant.Growing food crops on rooftops and in apartments, to use another example, reveal some obvious advantages. Growing one's own food has become increasingly attractive as food prices have increased, but those same food prices are based around an environmental threat.But more specifically: How exactly does aeroponic growing work? What are the pros of aeroponic growing? What are the cons of aeroponic growing? What is an example of aeroponics actually being used? GRAB A COPY OF THIS BOOK NOW