Publisher's Synopsis
Have you ever wondered how many Names in the bible equal 666? Are you interested in being shown a proven process to attain this knowledge? If so, Here Is Wisdom Finding 666 series is a step in that direction. This Series will take you through many words and numbers, and if you follow along with the schematics and compute with basic math, there is a huge chance you will achieve similar results or you could come up with a new path to render the same sum... Revelation 13:18 "Here is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." This series will empower the youngest mind and enhance the older ones to see more clarity. Here is Wisdom Finding 666 l will step you through four languages to prepare you for the next series of Bible names and people of the Bible.1. Here is Wisdom l -Alphabet-Arabic Greek Hebrew Latin. 2. Here is Wisdom ll Bible names Books of Bible. 3.Here is Wisdom lll Books of Quran. 4. Here is Wisdom 4.Numbers, Biology, Chemistry Formulas. 5. Here is Wisdom V Miscellaneous Quest. Allow this Series to become a reference in your home and lives