Publisher's Synopsis
Interesting (but Incomplete) History of Indigenous Peoples of BoliviaDefinition and Word Origin of Bolivia: "A republic in western South America. 404,388 squire miles (1,047,370 square kilometers). Capitals: La Paz and Sucre."South American republic, founded in 1825, named for Simon Bolivar (1783-1830), statesman and soldier."https: // Ernst Ludewig, William Wadden Turner; William Wadden Turner, Nicolas Trubner, editors; The Literature of American Aboriginal Languages; Vol 1 of Trubner's bibliotheca glottica; Trubner & Co; 1858Hermann Ernst Ludewig and William Wadden Turner write: "AYMARA: Indians of Bolivia, the north-westerly provinces of the Argentine Republic, and of Southern Peru. The Aymara language bears a close resemblance to the Quichua; many words are the same in both languages, and their grammatical construction is likewise very similar. Of the various dialects of the Aymara language spoken by the Kanchis, Kasnas, Kollaguas, Karankas, Charcas, Pacasas, and Lupakas, the two latter are the most cultivated."