Publisher's Synopsis
THE following exercises are intended to sup plement and further pianoforte instruction by teaching the elements of harmony through a simple empirical method. Neither musical terminology as an essential, nor a systematic school presentation, has been aimed at. The practical performance of the pupil at the instrument is the sole object of the course, which whenever possible is to rely upon the natural ear, and to be assisted, only where this latter is insufficient, by the merest external pedagogic aids.These exercises thus serve to develop the musical sense, which experience proves to be far too easily slighted in piano-teaching.Preliminary studies are not presupposed.The exercises may be interrupted in any place, whenever the pupil exhibits either disinclination or lack of comprehension. Only a few minutes in each lesson should be devoted to them.In Music-schools these exercises are suitable for a half-year (summer) piano-course, which may be interpolated between the Primary course and Practical Harmony, and (according to the author's experience) will afford the young musicians lively pleasure.Thus employed the Exercises form a preparatory school, based on simple empiricism, to a practical course in Harmony based on a systematic method.