Publisher's Synopsis
Zara, a young slave girl, is thrilled to discover a mysterious secret sign scrawled in the dust. Hoping it will lead to the promised 'power that is not cruel' she desperately seeks for her temperamental master, Zara must navigate the treacherous world of slavery, unsure if she can trust her fellow slaves. When an accident forces her to flee, Zara encounters the enigmatic 'people of the sign.' As a burning Rome is left behind, Zara's entire family journeys to a distant, more primitive land. Faced with arduous work, new dangers, and thrilling adventures, they forge friendships and confront unexpected challenges. When a family member is kidnapped and Zara's fellow slave Andreas absconds, the stakes grow higher. Penniless, Andreas attempts to return to Rome, but will he succeed? And if he does, what fate awaits him in the city?