Early Modern English Noblewomen and Self-Starvation

Early Modern English Noblewomen and Self-Starvation The Skull Beneath the Skin - Routledge Research in Early Modern History

eBook (17 Jul 2019)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Early Modern English Noblewomen and Self-Starvation: The Skull Beneath the Skin is a unique exploration of why early modern noblewomen starved themselves, how they understood their behaviour, and how it was interpreted and received by their contemporaries.

The first study of its kind, the book adopts an interdisciplinary and highly detailed approach to examining women's self-starvation between 1500 and 1640. It is also the first book to focus on this behaviour among noblewomen. Beginning with a contextual outline of gender, food and embodiment in early modern culture, the book then looks explicitly at the food behaviour of several well-known figures, including Elizabeth I, Catherine of Aragon, Mary I, Arbella Stuart, and Katherine Grey. Each case study engages with a variety of primary sources, such as letters and legal documents, as well as with literary texts, providing an in-depth exploration of the relationship between self-starvation and concepts of autonomy, sexuality, and literal and symbolic imprisonment, highlighting the body and specifically the act of eating as fundamental to identity in the early modern period and today.

Employing both literary and historical methodologies, Early Modern English Noblewomen and Self-Starvation is an important contribution to the study of the history of the body and is essential reading for students and academics of early modern women's history, gender history, food history, and the history of the body.

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Book information

ISBN: 9781000458541
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
Imprint: Routledge
Pub date:
DEWEY: 305.42094109031
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Weight: -1g
Height: 235mm
Width: 159mm