Publisher's Synopsis
The devil prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8), is that someone you?
This book is for you if you respond YES to any of the following questions:
- Do you feel pushed around by events and people in your life? Is the world the boss of you?
- Tired of worrying about what people think of you?
- Feel like a cat toy that is tossed about by opinions and status?
- Ever lay awake at night worried about how things will turn out or why things happen as they do?
- Do you rise and fall emotionally based on positive and negative feedback from others?
You have been hijacked: to steal by seizing; to take over and use for different purposes.
It's identity theft at the highest level: your life. Did you forget that you have the same spirit that rose Christ from the dead living in you which gives you the ability to restore what has been taken from you and used for different purposes?
You have forgotten "whose" you are on this journey of life. Cool thing is, since you are the one who forgot, or perhaps never knew that your sense of meaning and significance has been hijacked, you can now take steps to hit the refresh button and restore your identity in Christ.
Stop: is an action word and means to abandon a specific practice or habit, in this case, to abandon the habit of giving power to the world (people, circumstances and experiences) to define your worth and value, sense of meaning and significance. Stop letting the world be the boss of you!
When you refresh your identity in Christ, you restore your identity to its original link: to God. God loves and adores you, has plans to give you hope and a future, will never leave you or forsake you and offers you peace that passes all human understanding.
Take back your ability to resist the devil (tossing your sense of meaning and value to the world) with 25 solutions that teach you how to reinvigorate, re-establish, and refresh your identity in Christ, resulting in a transformation that will change your life for the better.