Wild & Wonderful Life

Wild & Wonderful Life Say Yes To Your Immeasurably More Jesus Story

eBook (08 Nov 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Although Jesus doesn't use the exact words ';wild and wonderful,' he does make promises about what a life with him might look like. Your wild life does not have to be defined only by hard, crazy, and difficult circumstances. Wild can also describe a wonderful, exciting, and passionate life.Using seven wordsfriendship, transformation, love, life, childlike faith, hope and wholeheartedSusan Campbell describes how life is wild for sure: wildly difficult, but also wildly good. No matter what, though, Jesus promises to join you right where you are, and that makes life wonderful. Using seven wordsfriendship, transformation, love, life, childlike faith, hope and wholeheartedSusan Campbell describes how life is wild for sure: wildly difficult, but also wildly good. No matter what, though, Jesus promises to join you right where you are, and that makes life wonderful.

Book information

ISBN: 9780999307410
Publisher: More Than You Imagine Ministries
Imprint: More Than You Imagine Ministries
Pub date:
Weight: -1g