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The Girl Who Rocked Stars

The Girl Who Rocked Stars - Girl With the Turtle Tattoo

Paperback (18 Aug 2018)

  • $23.45
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Publisher's Synopsis

To get worldwide fame and fortune, would you make a deal with the devil?

In this hardcore Sci Fi thriller, filthy rich and wildly famous as the world's most celebrated teenage pop superstar, the "Girl with the Turtle Tattoo" falls to the pits of hell. Drug addicted, penniless, and disfigured she becomes a shell of her former self. Unexpectedly, an alien talent scout gives her a second shot at success. Traveling through time she attempts to regain her past glory by altering the history of music. From cannibal Fijians to Bing Crosby to the Grand Ole Opry to Woodstock she wreaks discordant havoc. Along the way she collects a handsome mix of adoring, competing boyfriends. Unfortunately, her audacious mission backfires, causing music to be banned from all human societies. Can the Girl with the Turtle Tattoo earn redemption orchestrating a massive concert at the Milky Way's Galactic Core, or is she doomed to have her universe-rocking songs forever silenced?

Book information

ISBN: 9780998593715
Publisher: Lylepublishing
Imprint: Lylepublishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 480
Weight: 635g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 25mm