Break a Leg!: A Treasury of Theatre Traditions and Superstitions

Break a Leg!: A Treasury of Theatre Traditions and Superstitions

Paperback (09 Nov 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Ever wondered why actors don't wear green onstage? Or never wish each other "good luck"? Or avoid whistling in the dressing room? Or refuse to mention a certain Shakespeare play by name? "BREAK A LEG!" A TREASURY OF THEATRE TRADITIONS AND SUPERSTITIONS is a fascinating compendium of facts and fancies about theatre life, exploring the origin of the colorful traditions and superstitions that are as vital a part of theatre as the plays onstage. Includes entries on: Cats, Candles & Curtains  Peacock, Mirrors & Make-up  Flowers, Jewelry & Thread  The Gypsy Robe  The Ghost Light  Opening Night!  Why Is It Called "the Green Room"?  Don't Quote the Scottish Play!  St. Genesius & Other Saintly Aids to Actors  Unusual Theatre Terms  Famous Actors and Their Superstitions  Stage Turkeys and the Notorious Broadway Moose  Theatre Ghosts . . . and much more. "BREAK A LEG!" A TREASURY OF THEATRE TRADITIONS AND SUPERSTITIONS is the perfect Opening Night gift for your favorite theatre friends or for anyone interested in theatre life and lore.

Book information

ISBN: 9780996788953
Publisher: BookBaby
Imprint: Silver Spear Publications
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 90
Weight: 159g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 8mm