Publisher's Synopsis
Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Oprah Winfrey, and Jim Carrey. What do they have in common? Deep analyses by an executive career maximizer show they all achieved their success using Savanting's biology-driven protocol. Savanting exploits the biology behind how savants outperform their potential - how they achieve incredible feats of genius from deficient brains theoretically incapable of them. This unprecedented protocol empowers creativity from noncreatives; brilliant breakthroughs from the nonbrilliant; vision from nonvisionaries; and extraordinary execution from the execution-challenged. Savanting is the most expedient route to self-actualization in existence today. Continuous self-transcendence is built in. Extreme self-knowledge; sustained, self-sufficient self-love and happiness; wholeness; enlightenment; expanded consciousness; and true biology-driven purpose and potential. These sought-after goals are all byproducts of savanting.