Soane Medal Lecture 2017

Soane Medal Lecture 2017

Paperback (01 Nov 2017)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In recognition of his achievements as an architect, educator and writer, Rafael Moneo was awarded the inaugural Soane Medal in 2017. This is an annual award given by Sir John Soane's Museum to architects who have made a major contribution to practice, education and theory, and in doing so have broadened and enriched understandings of architecture and the built environment.

This publication contains the transcript of the lecture delivered by Moneo at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, London on 1 November 2017 when he was awarded the Soane Medal -  a copy of the medal presented in 1835 to Sir John Soane by 'the Architects of England', in recognition of his 'essential services to Architecture'.


Book information

ISBN: 9780993204173
Publisher: Sir John Soane's Museum
Imprint: Sir John Soane's Museum
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 32
Weight: -1g
Height: 210mm
Width: 122mm