The Everlasting Covenant: The Law & the Promises

The Everlasting Covenant: The Law & the Promises

Paperback (02 Jun 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

With wisdom from above, Ellet J. Waggoner takes the things that are written for our admonition and spells out "the moral of the story" in child-like simplicity. Following Abraham in his departure from Mesopotamia and the wilderness wanderings of his posterity though to their entrance into Caanan, Waggoner presents the parallels of the Old and New Testaments in such a plain and remarkable manner that it expands the consciousness of the reader. Himself following in the spirit and manner of Apostle Paul, he preaches the eternal atonement of Jesus Christ, who is as verily "crucified among you" today, as He was in the days of Abraham.

Book information

ISBN: 9780992507459
Publisher: Bible Truth Revealed
Imprint: Bible Truth Revealed
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 352
Weight: 840g
Height: 216mm
Width: 281mm
Spine width: 19mm