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Burgundy Doubloons

Burgundy Doubloons - Voodoo

Paperback (16 Jun 2018)

  • $20.17
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Publisher's Synopsis

Trent McGowan is going home. Home to his ailing mother. Home to the city of his childhood. Home to New Orleans.As Trent deals with the peculiar circumstances surrounding his mother's illness, his family gets swept up in the excitement of Mardi Gras and all of the festivities of that intoxicating day. The jubilant crowds, breathtaking carnival floats, and oh yes, the throws! His youngest daughter Zoe catches one of those throws, a sparkling red doubloon, and that is where the story ends and begins.Burgundy Doubloons is more than just a suspense thriller, it is everything that makes New Orleans the party capital of the world: only bloodier and darker.For those who love a parade, Burgundy Doubloon answers a terrifying question: What if your child simultaneously caught a bead, and a murderous spirit? In this heart-palpating novel, you will meet the entire McGowan family, and the people determined to destroy them.Finally, a paranormal thriller that takes place in New Orleans - as told by a native son who knows where the bodies are buried.

Book information

ISBN: 9780990373230
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC - Kdp
Imprint: Raegan Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 370
Weight: 540g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 21mm