Publisher's Synopsis
Those who marry will have "tribulation in their flesh," say 1 Corinthians 7:28. Are you feeling those tribulations? Has your spouse stopped doing the things that make you happy? Do you sometimes find yourself feeling alone in your marriage and disappointed at how the love you first had for each other has seemed to wane? Michelle Medley's book, 'Married but Single, ' takes a look into the root of marital woes and gives, honest, poignant and spiritual advice on how to reach a destination of happiness and contentment despite the detours that may occur on you and your spouse's journey. Using a self-analysis style of writing, she charges each mate to look within themselves and not at their mate to focus on inner feelings that may occur and lead to detours in your relationship. Join Michelle Medley on her personal journey and revelations and be prepared to look in the mirror and ask yourself why it is you feel single, alone and unhappy in your marriage. - Tavia D. Green