Publisher's Synopsis
George Du Bose ha iniziato il suo rapporto con i Ramones nel bel mezzo della loro ventennale carriera. Questa collaborazione di dieci anni è proseguita fino alla fine. In questo libro di memorie, vengono raccontate le storie su come sono nati i concetti per le diverse copertine, su come e dove i le copertine vennero scattate e ci molte immagini inedite mai viste prima. Si spera che i fan vecchi e nuovi potranno godere le conoscenze che acquisiranno qui e qui e aumenteranno il rispetto che tutti noi abbiamo per una delle rock band più famose del mondo e più durature nella storia. George DuBose was the "official" Ramones photographer for the second half of their career. From Subterranean Jungle to Adios Amigos, his photos and designs produce packages that reflected the group and their music. This book is one of a series of photography books that tell the stories behind the creative process and the photo sessions. Unused and unseen images tell even more of the story. This book is a "must-have" for all Ramones fans, young and old. The photography career of George DuBose began when he began assisting professional fashion photographers in NYC. After his work day, DuBose would regularly go out and document aspects of the New York City nightlife. Many of the sojourns involved shooting rock bands in live concerts. The connections that DuBose made eventually led to his first album cover for the B52s. DuBose worked with many New Wave and Punk bands and eventually was hired as the art director for the Island Records NY office. Later, he was the first art director and then photo editor of SPIN magazine, before returning to Island Records. George now lives in Cologne, Germany and works with hip hop and rock artists all around Europe.