Publisher's Synopsis
As the masses stare into their viewing screens (TVs), their minds are absorbed into created reality, unable to prevent the absurd from entering their essence. No longer possessing the freedom of thought that distinguished their ancestors, many have lost the capacity of discernment so critical to operating a democracy. It is a new age of manipulation that has dawned upon the weary masses, one not satisfied with control of their economic production, but seeking their minds as well. And it is their minds that technology has provided, placed in the hands of individuals obsessed with controlling others. Out of the smoke and dust of it all has risen up a new man whose bond to his ancestors is diminished. He has been taught to embrace a new moral order that was anathema to those who came before him. And he appears incapable of connecting its implementation to the decay and loss of freedom he sees all around. Exploring the same vein George Orwell did in his classic, 1984, Manipulating Man is a nonfiction look at the unfolding paradigm of mass manipulation by individuals embracing an ideology of control. Having gained control over what the masses see and hear, the power wielded by this ideological collective has become a violation of the Natural Law rights of man. And this has caused the shadow of a new and more insidious tyranny to be cast over America. But as with all tyranny, within its dark structure is an Achilles heel waiting to be struck.