An Epiphany On Wall Street

An Epiphany On Wall Street - The Nine Inch Bride

Paperback (10 Feb 2014)

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Publisher's Synopsis

"This is not a cozy little fantasy meant to cheer you up..."

"A delicious, beautifully written story that repays your close attention."

"Visionary, provocative, and lots of fun!"

"A powerful, well-thought-out dystopian novel...destined to be a classic!"

Understand the times in which we live through a daring fictional lens as relevant and hard-hitting as the best non-fiction and journalism in America today.

A New Kind of Science Fiction
This is not the galactic sci-fi you've come to expect. No wild-eyed future is depicted here. The series begins with imaginative storytelling where non-fiction thought leaders leave off, and goes on to provide a subtly harrowing preview of 'coming attractions.'

A Credible Hyper-Capitalist Dystopia
The first book in this remarkably original series of near-future novels is An Epiphany on Wall Street, where revolutionary meets 'The Street' in a literary bonfire of western political culture. Well-paced and utterly absorbing!

Dangerous Curves Ahead
Working at many levels to recast today's big questions in a fresh lens, An Epiphany On Wall Street begins as a psychological study of Ken, a Wall St. analyst brought down in a market crash, and develops into a kind of meta-democratic polemic led in riotous dialog by the uniquely eloquent Sa. The conversation is sharply revealing of our times and all the more disturbing behind its gossamer veil of the future. Serious, prescriptive fiction at its best!

"Everyone should HAVE to read this!"

Book information

ISBN: 9780985389789
Publisher: Author Networks
Imprint: Author Networks
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 286
Weight: 299g
Height: 203mm
Width: 133mm
Spine width: 15mm