Beagle's Noose

Beagle's Noose A Novel By Sam Rogers

Paperback (27 Oct 2015)

  • $18.07
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Publisher's Synopsis

Beagle's Noose is a tragicomic novel about a man struggling with a complex delusional system. The year is 1989 and Isaac Turbot is a prisoner in the Intensive Management Unit at the Walla Walla State Penitentiary. He's been convicted of the murder of wealthy Seattle real estate developer Dionysius Beagle, a man Isaac believed to be his father. The novel is made up of letters, an interview, and telegrams, all aimed at preventing Isaac's execution by hanging scheduled in three days time. Beagle's Noose examines how Isaac's thoughts give shape to his reality and how far he believes the conspiracy extends, from his nine-by-twelve foot prison cell to the very foundations of the universe.

Book information

ISBN: 9780984718351
Publisher: Gowen Place Press
Imprint: Gowen Place Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 310
Weight: 395g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 18mm