Publisher's Synopsis
"The Green Ladder by Steve Shaw provides a fresh look into how the body of Christ can begin to walk in their God-given identity. When we learn to embrace all that Jesus provided for us, we learn to co-labor with God. Cultivating this Kingdom mindset helps to bring an ease and grace for us to step into a Kingdom lifestyle that changes the world around us." - Bill Johnson, Author When Heaven Invades Earth. The Green Ladder is a must read for any pastor or believer who is experiencing a Spirit birthed appetite for a simpler and more authentic Christianity. While the gospels are overflowing with accounts of miracles, healings, and profound encounters with God, Steve Shaw's story provides three simple steps that bring these realities of the Kingdom within reach for every believer. In the Green Ladder you will learn... -The difference between "the gospel of salvation" and "the gospel of the Kingdom." -The importance of having "a saint-based identity" instead of "a shame-based identity." -The excitement of co-laboring with a sovereign God to bring heaven to earth. Steve Shaw has served as a pastor in Grants Pass, Oregon for thirty-four years. He and his wife, Midge, have lived out their passion for the presence of God, authentic community, and the advancement of His Kingdom, bringing hope and a practical demonstration of God's power to leaders, congregations, and believers at home and abroad.