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Veil Online - Book 2: An Epic LitRPG Adventure

Veil Online - Book 2: An Epic LitRPG Adventure - Veil Online

Paperback (09 Oct 2020)

  • $27.02
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Publisher's Synopsis

Trapped the most popular virtual reality game, Veil Online, Jace Burton must reach the elusive Help Desk to be rejoined with his body. There's just one problem. It's inside the heavily guarded part of the capital city - the royal palace.

Join Jace on his adventures as he journeys in the seedy underbelly of the capital cities to make unlikely allies, fight terrible new foes and faces an old enemy who has returned.

Just as he thinks he has the perfect plan, a new threat is revealed. One that may destroy the capital city and reshape the game itself.

Can Jace and his friends make to the Help Desk and out of the city before all is lost?

Find out in Book 2 of Veil Online!

Book information

ISBN: 9780984408771
Publisher: Maverick-Gage Publishing
Imprint: Maverick-Gage Publishing
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 586
Weight: 735g
Height: 216mm
Width: 140mm
Spine width: 33mm