Save the Cat! Strikes Back

Save the Cat! Strikes Back More Trouble for Screenwriters to Get Into-- And Out Of

Paperback (01 Jan 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Blake Snyder is back with the book countless readers and students have clamoured for. Inspired by questions from his workshops, lectures, and emails, Blake listened and provides new tips, tactics, and techniques to solve your writing problems and create stories that resonate: The 7 warning signs you might have a great idea or not; 2 sure-fire templates for can t-miss loglines; The difference between structure and formula; The Transformation Machine that allows you to track your hero s growth step-by-step; The 5 questions to keep your story s spine straight; The 5-Point Finale to finish any story; The Save the Cat!® Greenlight Checklist that gets to the heart of every development issue; The right way to hear notes, deal with problematic producers, and dive into the rewrite with the right attitude; Why and when an agent will appear; How to discover the potential for greatness in any story; How to avoid panic, doubt, and self-recrimination. . . and what it takes to succeed and dare to achieve your dreams; Get ready to face trouble like a pro. . . and strike back!

Book information

ISBN: 9780984157600
Publisher: Save the Cat! Press
Imprint: Save the Cat! Press (US)
Pub date:
DEWEY: 808.23
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 181
Weight: 334g
Height: 228mm
Width: 155mm
Spine width: 12mm