Publisher's Synopsis
"Game is ultimately the most American ingredient, the only possible food capable of establishing itself as a defining element in a true American cuisine." So writes Rebecca Gray in the Preface of The New Gray's Wild Game Cookbook, and for the next 61 menus and 180 individual recipes she gives us what amounts to a celebration of wild game as the ultimate gourmet food. Here, in abundance, is the joy and exhilaration of preparing exquisitely matched accompaniments to beautifully prepared main dishes of venison, wild fowl, upland birds and other choice meats brought to the table by the North American hunter. Laid to rest, through anecdote, personal experience and technical exposition, is any vestige of the intimidation a cook might feel when faced with a just-bagged bird. Extensively revised and updated from the original, The New Gray's Wild Game Cookbook, in addition to separate, menu-filled chapters on Venison, Water Fowl, Upland Birds and Mixed Bag (a collection of menus for such diverse prizes as wild sheep, mountain goat, bear, wild boar and rabbit), contains detailed and stylishly-written chapters on Game Care (not the usual field-dressing and cutting instructions, but a carefully-researched and wittily-presented discussion of what matters most to the cook) and A Few Suggestions (advice and opinion that respects the reader's own experience while passing along nearly thirty years of absorbed interest in fine preparation of tasteful wild game meals). The New Gray's Wild Game Cookbook treats wild game in its truest and broadest context. Wild game is that rarest of culinary ingredients: something that, quite literally, money cannot buy. Rebecca Gray knows this, and every recipe here celebrates it. So will anyone lucky enough to be served its menus.