Stone Age Religion at Goebekli Tepe

Stone Age Religion at Goebekli Tepe

Hardback (13 Sep 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The excavation of Göbekli Tepe has revealed the hitherto unknown religion of the "Neolithic Revolution." This book offers an archaeological starter basis for interpreting that ancient religion. Other fresh perspectives affect our understanding of civilization, human sacrifice, cannibalism, warfare, and imperialism. Fresh contextual perspectives are presented on ancient Egypt and Greece, on Abraham, the Scapegoat question, as well as on the teaching strategies of Confucius in China-all these are remotely linked to Göbekli Tepe. The author is a former student of Mircea Eliade (University of Chicago) and the family resemblance in his orientation shows. His earlier innovations in the History of Religions field include: (1) a historical interpretation of Navajo hunter mythology; (2) recording the nine-night Navajo Coyoteway Ceremonial in 1974, which had been declared extinct in 1910; (3) identification of the Serpent as primary deity of ancient Middle American Civilization, thereby rejecting the primacy of the Jaguar totem; (4) identifying Neo-Platonism as a bridge leading from ancient Egyptian theology at Heliopolis to orthodox Christian theology.

Book information

ISBN: 9780983907213
Publisher: Triplehood
Imprint: Triplehood
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 348
Weight: 670g
Height: 159mm
Width: 236mm
Spine width: 29mm