Publisher's Synopsis
Every day you have to find balance between your needs, your wants and your bank account. No matter how rich or broke you are, your life is constantly filled with financial decisions that you shouldn't make without the right tools and the right plan.You may have considered buying a personal finance book before, but then changed your mind when you saw how long, expensive and boring it looked. Or, maybe you bought the book, stayed motivated for a few weeks, but then fell into old habits, because the process was miserable.If this sounds like you, you're not alone and I'd like to introduce you to the budgeting book for people who hate budgeting.Budgeting Doesn't Have To Suck skips past the topics you already know such as "don't eat out as often" or that "saving money is good." You don't need to buy a $30 book written by a celebrity to tell you things you already know.The fact is that many personal finance books are like fad diets. They fail because they're not specifically tailored to what you want and need in the first place. In 100 pages, I'll teach you to be happier and more successful by putting your money towards the things you truly value.Whether you're totally new to the world of budgeting or the master of your domain, with the help of Budgeting Doesn't Have To Suck, you'll learn new philosophies and tools to help you achieve your goals.- This book is not "for dummies" and doesn't waste your valuable time.- No end-of-chapter checklists, no worksheets and no quizzes.- Discover what matters to you the most and watch your budget create itself.- No matter your income, learn how to spend and save every month.- Learn about the latest free budgeting tools that you must use to be successful.