Apricot Saves the Day

Apricot Saves the Day Splatter and Friends - Splatter and Friends

eBook (24 Mar 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

With her checklist in hand, Apricot sets out to make sure everything is ready for Splatter and Friends annual Bat it! Splat it! baseball game. But as the day goes on, Apricot soon discovers one key item hasn't been finished. Apricot Saves the Day! teaches your child about the importance of friendship, sharing, and working together through an entertaining story that will keep your child asking questions. Apricot Saves the Day! is a fun to read rhyming children's story. Splatter and Friends, created by a mom and her children, is an educational children's book series that promotes creative learning, self-awareness, and the secret recipe for silliness. The color of Splatter and each of his friends symbolizes personality traits. Determine which character your child identifies with and encourage them to express their full splaterrific color! PLEASE be aware that the formating (font, images) of this book may appear differently depending on the eReader. Some eReaders require you to click on the text to be able to read it. (Target age: preschool and kindergarten)

Book information

ISBN: 9780983475149
Publisher: Melissa Productions, Inc.
Imprint: Melissa Productions, Inc.
Pub date:
Number of pages: 30
Weight: -1g