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The Super Collection

The Super Collection - Super

Paperback (21 Apr 2016)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The Entire Super Series in One Place

Audrey Hart is an average young Brooklynite. She has a job she hates, a crappy basement apartment, and 45 cents left on her MetroCard. And she has a secret: She's a superhero.

Audrey is not a very good Super. She has underwhelming powers. She's always late. And she never quite grew up. Not only do Supers fight crime, they have alter egos who have to keep jobs, fold laundry, and pay taxes. Between wardrobe malfunctions, performance reviews, and passive aggressive family dinners, Audrey can't keep up with either of her lives. Can Audrey save the world and save herself at the same time?

Super is a series of books about an unconventional superhero trying to live an extraordinary life in an ordinary world. This omnibus includes the previously published works:


Super Search

Super Duper


Book information

ISBN: 9780983032380
Publisher: Blackbelle Co
Imprint: Blackbelle Co
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 678
Weight: 662g
Height: 203mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 35mm