Publisher's Synopsis
Revised and Updated October 2020: CreateSpace, Amazon's print-on-demand service, is now integrated into the Kindle Desktop Publishing platform (KDP). This means that you can manage all your titles, e-book and paperback, from the KDP Bookshelf. The text has been completely revised to reflect this., although the subtitle of the book still refers to CreateSpace.A discussion of Amazon's content creation tools, Kindle Create and Cover Creator for e-book and print, has been added. The print edition was complete re-indexed to make it a more accessible reference during the publishing process.You Can Publish Yourself and Be SuccessfulIn this book, the author explains the methods he's used to successfully publish e-book and print books which are selling better than any of his traditionally-published books. His system uses free open-source software that runs on all computer platforms to keep costs low.So what are you waiting for? Let's get started and turn you from a writer into a published author!Using This BookIntroductionWhy Publish with Amazon?Steps to PublishingWriting Your BookPolishing and EditingCreating a CoverPublishing on KindleCreating a Print LayoutPublishing in Print with KDPHelp Amazon Market Your BooksTracking Book SalesRevising and Updating Your BooksOther Publishing PlatformsResources