Publisher's Synopsis
Bonnie Winters skillfully weaves threads of hope into cords of deliverance in Daughter of Scarlet -- a masterful blend of fiction and Biblical truth that bursts with action and romance. Sometimes all you have are a few frayed threads of hope to hang on to. But when God begins to weave those threads together in your life, something amazing happens. You get a stout cord, strong enough to lift you out of your darkest pit of fear, doubt, despair, pain and shame. Brought to Jericho as a child by slave traffickers, Rahab understands all too well the despair and brutality of a victim's life in the sex trade industry. When two Israelite spies take refuge in her chamber one night, she dares to grasp her few remaining threads of hope as she listens to their tales of a God who delivers slaves and cares for his people. Despite the rumored power of the invading Israelite army, despite the spies' pronouncement that all inhabitants of Jericho will die, hope weaves a desperate plan of escape in the young prostitute's heart. Would this God care enough to save a foreign slave from the darkness of her bondage? And if so, could he weave her threads of hope into a stout new future free from the pain and shame of her heart?