30-Minute Celtic Mandalas Coloring Book

30-Minute Celtic Mandalas Coloring Book Easy Meditation Through Coloring


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Publisher's Synopsis

30-Minute Celtic Mandalas Coloring Book: Easy Meditation through Coloring is the second book in the 30-Minute Mandala series. Capturing the spiritual power of mandalas along with the beauty and mystery of Celtic symbols, this book provides a fun and unique way to learn meditation in only minutes a day. The bulk of the book boasts 30 different Celtic mandala designs for the user to color while the introduction includes an explanation of how to meditate by coloring. As an added bonus the author and illustrator, Michelle Normand, also gives insight into the meanings behind the many Celtic symbols found throughout her designs. Using coloring in meditation or as a form of art therapy is not new. In fact, both coloring and mandalas have been used as alternative or coordinating therapies for children suffering from trauma, adults dealing with anxiety, and patients of all ages battling chronic disease. Normand says anyone can benefit from the relaxation that comes from coloring; and even people that believe they are not artistically gifted can color. As she says in her books, "If you can color, you can meditate."

Book information

ISBN: 9780981606705
Publisher: Nms
Imprint: Nms
Weight: 177g
Height: 279mm
Width: 205mm
Spine width: 4mm