Publisher's Synopsis
Within this book, you will find the absolute best way to look at your values, dreams and desires in a way you never have before. Have you ever found yourself wondering what you would do if you were put in the best possible situations you could imagine.or the worst possible ones? The questions found in this book will help you reconnect and reaffirm what's important to you and help you to get clarity on your life. You'll become aware of how you spend your time, what activities you value, and aspects of your life it's time to change. Want to connect with somebody else in a new way? Use this book with people you know.and want to become closer to. It's an effortless way to open a discussion with friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, and your partner (or potential partner). Whether you use this book as a tool for your personal growth or stimulating conversation with business clients and partners, you'll find Question This Book - Classic Edition to be just what you need.