Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being

Unconditional Love - An Unlimited Way of Being

Paperback (09 Jan 2007)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Perhaps the most universally sought after expression and simultaneously least understood in our world today, Unconditional Love, is the first of book of its kind to unfold this awareness in a way that everyone will quickly comprehend. A true contemporary visionary, Harold W. Becker masterfully shares the deeper practical meaning behind this dynamic energy and illustrates how unconditional love operates on every level of life. Simply defined as an unlimited way of being, he clearly demonstrates how this insight weaves through all facets of our being including our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Harold reveals how everything we need to know is already within us and that anyone can live a more balanced life of love, wisdom and personal power while being fully present and aware in each moment. This profound and inspirational writing is enlightening, uplifting and transformative while being timeless, straightforward and easily understandable. Like a roadmap to the inner self, this unique book moves beyond the traditional focus of self-help and captures the essence of a powerful, underlying movement to personal mastery. Harold helps the reader discover that we are really angels in human disguise and that by loving and accepting ourselves unconditionally we begin to celebrate and enjoy our journey. When we change our life, we literally change the world.

Book information

ISBN: 9780979046001
Publisher: White Fire Publishing
Imprint: White Fire Publishing
Pub date:
DEWEY: 914.945
Language: English
Number of pages: 252
Weight: 322g
Height: 215mm
Width: 139mm
Spine width: 14mm