Publisher's Synopsis
In a world where Ideas (Deas) literally take on a life of their own, psychologist Valerie Tarico has woven a tapestry of ten timeless folktales. This poignant collection, originally composed by Dr Tarico for her own children, is now mesmerising young and old readers alike. Invariably, these parables reflect the triumph of the human spirit, the rewards of persistence, the beauty of the ordinary, and the healing power of steadfast love. Written in the narrative style of traditional wisdom tales, Dr Tarico's stories have layers of meaning that are accessible to children, gratifying to adults, and inspirational to both. Somewhere between Zen and folktales, child's play and wisdom, dreaming the world and healing it, these parables reflect humanity's shared moral values. Ideally, these tales should be read aloud -- to your child, to your love, or to yourself -- in a sacred setting of your own imaginings.