Ancient Odysseys

Ancient Odysseys Treasure Awaits! Pocket Edition

Paperback (24 Jun 2010)

  • $17.27
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Publisher's Synopsis

Prepare to Unleash your Imagination with Ancient Odysseys: Treasure Awaits!, an introductory fantasy roleplaying game. Assume the role of a mighty warrior, powerful wizard, or crafty rogue and explore the ancient dungeons, catacombs, and ruins in the Known World. Start playing in less than 10 minutes. Two or more friends can join your adventures-or grab all the glory for yourself. Choose which areas to explore, choose which monsters to attack, and choose how to dole out the treasure. Then proceed with your own adventures into the dark and dangerous depths, exploring either random catacombs or those you design yourself. Written for beginners, yet perfect for veteran roleplayers in search of a fast-playing and flexible experience. Requires one or two dice. Downloadable sheets for characters and monsters are available at the Precis Intermedia website (

Book information

ISBN: 9780977067374
Publisher: Precis Intermedia / Politically Incorrect Games
Imprint: Precis Intermedia / Politically Incorrect Games
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 94
Weight: 108g
Height: 127mm
Width: 202mm
Spine width: 5mm