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The King's Carriage

The King's Carriage

Paperback (09 Aug 2023)

  • $9.79
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Publisher's Synopsis

Born into horse royalty, living wild and free, Keseph and Avram are living the dream. Sasha, their mother, is given a prophecy that one of her twins is born for greatness; the other for freedom. One carries dignity, majesty, and power; the other carries freedom. Which is better-greatness or freedom?

Will their lives be ruled by their mother's prophecy, or will their choices make the prophetic word true?

Keseph and Argent discover a secret attached to the prophecy that will determine the outcome of that word.

Book information

ISBN: 9780975767955
Publisher: Elgem Books
Imprint: Elgem Books
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 96
Weight: 91g
Height: 178mm
Width: 127mm
Spine width: 5mm