Game "On"

Game "On" An Athlete's Guide to Inner Mastery and Outer Victory (Female Version)

Paperback (30 Mar 2012)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Game "On" explores the spiritual and psychological dimension of sport and articulates eight fundamental approaches by which an athlete can consistently move toward the zone (or what is called the state of "on.") This exalted state is not viewed as something that only comes about by chance or by a seeming act of grace but as the state of one's higher self, which, if understood and cultivated, can be delivered with great consistency. The principles explained in Game "On" can be applied to any sport, but most of the examples are specifically applicable to tennis, basketball, golf, and baseball. -- The eight chapters found in Game "On" are: 1) Form the Right Relationship with your Thoughts, 2) Master the Moment (and the Breath), 3) Get Beyond the Cognitive Mind, 4) Align with Life (and the Positive Pole of Life), 5) Discover and Express Your Creative Power, 6) Resolve the Past / Reshape the Future, 7) Adopt a Winning Mindset, and 8) Meditate (Access the Core of Your Being). There is extensive discussion on "The Mental Game of Tennis," "How to Master the Basketball Free-Throw," and "The Fundamentals of the Perfect Swing in Golf." This is a "female version" of GAME "ON," which uses "she" and "her" instead of "he" and "him." A standard "male version" is also available. --

Book information

ISBN: 9780975479230
Publisher: Theone Press
Imprint: Theone Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 140
Weight: 195g
Height: 229mm
Width: 152mm
Spine width: 8mm