I Am Creating My Own Relationships

I Am Creating My Own Relationships

Paperback (27 Oct 2009)

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Publisher's Synopsis

In this inspirational book, Barry Thomas Bechta explains, in very simple terms, that we are creating our own experience. He explains how we can solve life's problems by changing our point of view ever so slightly. When we release the idea that we are separate from the unlimited perfection that makes up God, and accept the reality of who and what we really are, GOD IN ACTION, we move from a mind-set of reaction into one of creation. "Barry has a calm about him that infuses his work" -- Dr. Joe Vitale "Barry's book will edify you to use your I AM effectively" -- Mark Victor Hansen "I have truly benefitted from Barry's wisdom. I know you will too. In fact, nothing would make me happier than knowing that Barry's book helped you access more joy in YOUR life. Because it is from your place of Joy, that your Creation Vibration Attracts each and every dream, every job, every relationship, you want. It wants you, too." -- Alan Cohen

Book information

ISBN: 9780968683538
Publisher: Unconditional Love Books
Imprint: Unconditional Love Books
Pub date:
DEWEY: 204.4
Language: English
Number of pages: 80
Weight: 104g
Height: 602mm
Width: 223mm
Spine width: 4mm