Born Again

Born Again Reincarnation Cases Involving Evidence of Past Lives, With Xenoglossy Cases Researched by Ian Stevenson, MD

Paperback (03 Aug 2011)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Born Again includes the most important cases providing evidence of reincarnation, including cases researched by Ian Stevenson MD at the University of Virginia. Dr. Semkiw methodically presents crucial reincarnation cases in easy-to-read synopses, such as the James Huston/James Leininger case, which demonstrate principles of reincarnation. These principles include the observations that facial features, personality traits, talents, and passions can remain consistent from lifetime to lifetime. Dr. Semkiw also reviews the very significant Ian Stevenson twin study case, which shows that souls can plan lifetimes, so that loved ones can be reunited in families through reincarnation. Xenoglossy cases researched by Ian Stevenson, MD, where individuals can speak and understand a foreign language that was not learned by normal means, are also presented. These cases show that past life personalities are retained intact within the soul. Born Again is a reincarnation primer that sets the stage for additional cases presented on the website, a nonprofit organization dedicated to reincarnation research.

Book information

ISBN: 9780966298246
Publisher: Pluto Project
Imprint: Pluto Project
Pub date:
DEWEY: 133.90135
Number of pages: 427
Weight: 522g
Height: 211mm
Width: 137mm
Spine width: 28mm