Under One Sky

Under One Sky

1st Edition

Paperback (13 Apr 2004)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A penetrating astrological reading... how does the astrologer do it? Watch twelve experts representing twelve different astrological traditions interpret the same natal chart, blind! All they knew was the birth data of the woman whose birthchart they analysed. Read how each one applies his or her real-world techniques, just as they would with a client. To deepen your understanding, all of them explain their underlying interpretative strategies, and answer ten pressing questions about their work. A unique and groundbreaking astrological study that includes an autobiography by the birthchart's subject -- readers can see how well each interpretation fit. Includes interpretations by: Demetra George, Evelyn Roberts, Gary Christen, Hadley Fitzgerald, John Marchesella, Ken Bowser, Kim Rogers-Gallagher, Robert Hand, Robert Schmidt, Ronnie Gale Dreyer, Steven Forrest, and Wendy Ashley.

Book information

ISBN: 9780964911376
Imprint: Seven Paws Press (US)
Pub date:
Edition: 1st Edition
Language: English
Number of pages: 489
Weight: 576g
Height: 226mm
Width: 154mm
Spine width: 38mm