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Lines Crossed

Lines Crossed

Paperback (13 Sep 2013)

  • $18.02
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Publisher's Synopsis

Sean Blakemore, Commander of the GRID Battlecruiser Reginald L Johnson, wallowed in self-loathing. He drank too much, suffered from depression, and swam in self-pity. He figured life could not suck any worse when he received new orders. He had to hand the Johnson over to another commanding officer. God hated him he thought. Then . . . Dr. Loggar, head scientist in charge of this new mission, drew him into the semi-secret world of The Most High Goddess. She gave him hope. GRID Traveler Trilogy is a story of Sean's redemption, from rock bottom to discovering Humankind's true origins and possibly its inevitable future.

Book information

ISBN: 9780962783524
Publisher: Mythical Legends
Imprint: Mythical Legends
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 424
Weight: 318g
Height: 178mm
Width: 111mm
Spine width: 22mm