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EPIC: poetry for the people

EPIC: poetry for the people - Freeride Storybook

2nd Global Print and eBook ed.

Paperback (21 Dec 2018)

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Publisher's Synopsis

A 160 page book of poetry and short stories relating mainly to snow life with some sk8, surf, bike and skydiving. Art and Photography express the visions of epic spirit. From the harsh realities of a skier's plight, to warm boarding adventures across Western Canada and inside the hip French corner of Switzerland - the contributors are searching for something very special. Throw about the urban dream for community balance parks, some common respect, and a healthy serve of adrenaline, and the reader journeys into the new world. The essence of nomadic existence and timeless organic living. Unmasking those who follow their hearts and who truly define what is real. This is not an ordinary read, it's a movement toward freedom. A somewhat indigenous song with one voice that speaks of noble honor - the pieces presented collectively bring together a story of the freerider. Simply for equal-standing and stoke. 'Poetry for the People' is bought to you by the Summit Heartcore. A motley bunch of global freeriders who are dedicated to expanding tribal balance strategies throughout modern culture. Something warm to inspire epic projects.

Book information

ISBN: 9780958193009
Publisher: Epicscope
Imprint: Epicscope
Pub date:
Edition: 2nd Global Print and eBook ed.
Language: English
Number of pages: 156
Weight: 503g
Height: 279mm
Width: 216mm
Spine width: 11mm