I Ching Workbook

I Ching Workbook

eBook (01 Sep 2005)

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Publisher's Synopsis

The I Ching Workbook contains everything you need to know about the I Ching--one of the world's most profound sources of universal wisdom--and how to use it. The I Ching Workbook contains the entire text of Wu Wei's revised and updated edition of The I Ching: The Book of Answers as well as 100 special workbook pages to record your answers, a detailed explanation of how to use yarrow stalks, and a key for identifying the correct hexagram. It describes how you can work with the I Ching, one of the world's most profound sources of wisdom and divination, to receive guidance in every area of your life. This workbook will help you keep an accurate record of every reading you do as well as the results you experience. As the years pass, you will be able to look back over your workbook to gain an invaluable overview of your progress on the path you have chosen for this lifetime.

Book information

ISBN: 9780943015705
Publisher: Bookbaby
Imprint: BookBaby
Pub date:
Weight: -1g