Healing the Cause

Healing the Cause A Path of Forgiveness

Paperback (03 May 1994)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Identification with our body as our home is the origin of all our physical and psychological suffering. Whilst we desire to remain separate from our true spiritual identity, we create sickness to re-inforce our belief in the reality of the body. To re-experience God's love, joy and peace, we need to begin the process of forgiving ourselves and others. This will allow the presense of spirit to enter into our mind and heal it.;The cause of all disease lies in the mind and not the body. Disease is a shadow on the body of the guilt in our mind. As we practise forgiveness, the truth of who we really are will dawn upon our mind and we will discover our true home which we never left.;Other work by the author includes "A Course in Miracles".

Book information

ISBN: 9780905249919
Publisher: Findhorn Press
Imprint: Findhorn Press
Pub date:
DEWEY: 615.852
DEWEY edition: 20
Number of pages: 159
Weight: 227g
Height: 215mm
Width: 135mm
Spine width: 13mm