Initiation and Spiritual Realization

Initiation and Spiritual Realization - Collected Works of Rene Guenon

Hardback (22 May 2004)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Initiation and Spiritual Realization is the closest thing to a work on 'spiritual direction' René Guénon ever wrote, touching as it does upon such vital topics as the transmission of initiatic grace, the various types and functions of the spiritual master, obstacles the aspirant is likely to encounter, different modes of contemplation, and the degrees of spiritual realization. A companion volume to Perspectives on Initiation, where Guénon had defined the nature of initiation and of the organizations qualified to transmit it, Initiation and Spiritual Realization was the first thematic collection of Guénon's articles to appear after his death. And one doctrine expressed in this book stands out as particularly timely: that esoterism is not and cannot be a religion in itself, since to take it as such is to reduce it to an 'alternative' exoterism, and a heterodox one at that. Initiatic esoterism can only be legitimately and effectively practiced within the context of one of the established, revealed religions.

Book information

ISBN: 9780900588426
Publisher: Sophia Perennis et Universalis
Imprint: Sophia Perennis et Universalis
Pub date:
DEWEY: 291.38
Language: English
Number of pages: 208
Weight: 486g
Height: 161mm
Width: 238mm
Spine width: 20mm