Publisher's Synopsis
We have all become increasingly conscious of the incredible impact our highly successful species has had on the world. We have learned that our seemingly unstoppable headlong industrialisation and intensification of farming have involved such huge levels of destruction of habitat and pollution of the planet's delicate fabric that countless species of animal, bird and plant have been driven to the brink of extinction and beyond.;Many of us have a conscience about the rampage of our species around the planet. Consciousness awakens concern - hence the burgeoning of conservation and wildlife protection bodies and the competition amongst political parties for the "green" vote. We have also become more tolerant of the wild creatures that share our immediate environment. We are more inclined to use less or non-toxic chemicals in our gardens, and many people actively encourage wildlife by creating ponds, planting wild flowers and adding other wildlife-friendly features.;However, occasionally some wild animals and birds can be a real nuisance, capable of creating unsightly or expensive damage to gardens, bowling greens, sports fields and golf courses. Foxes, badgers, squirrels and moles can damage lawns, greens and fields. Fox cubs can uproot or crush plants, dig holes in flower beds and defecate on lawns, patios and garden furniture. Squirrels can damage plants, dig up bulbs, raid bird tables, and if they gain access to lofts, strip electrical insulation and gnaw through roof timbers. Pigeons and other birds can create mess and damage buildings and of course rodents can cause damage and foul foodstuff.;Fortunately, modern technology and knowledge of biology are now sufficiently advanced to enable the successful resolution of most wildlife nuisances safely, inexpensively, effectively and legally - without causing harm to the culprits. This book is about how humans and animals can live together - and in harmony - in an urban environment.