Public Policy and the Practice and Problems of Accounting

Public Policy and the Practice and Problems of Accounting

Hardback (22 Oct 1985)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Belkaoui offers a critical analysis of accounting and the societal problems the profession faces. The roles played by accountants and auditors, the standard-setting and oversight processes, the history, function, and current status of the discipline itself--all are treated systematically and with candor. Clarifying our understanding of what is wrong and what is right with accounting in the context of public interest, the author probes questions of public policy and shows where correction, standardization, and legislation are needed. He reviews solutions advanced by the courts, the Internal Revenue Service, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and researchers in other fields, then offers his own constructive suggestions.

Book information

ISBN: 9780899301051
Publisher: ABC-CLIO
Imprint: Praeger
Pub date:
DEWEY: 657.0218
DEWEY edition: 19
Language: English
Number of pages: 204
Weight: 488g
Height: 234mm
Width: 156mm
Spine width: 14mm