Treasure Hunt for Mama and Me

Treasure Hunt for Mama and Me Helping Children Cope With Parental Illness - Let's Talk

eBook (20 May 2013)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Billy is excited to take a walk through the woods with his mama. But Billy's mama is different than other mamas. She often stumbles and shakes and needs to stop to take medicine and rest. Billy's mama has Parkinson's disease. While his mama takes breaks, Billy hunts for treasure to add to their collection. They find a pine cone and two shiny stones and Billy hopes to add more.On the walk out of the woods, Billy realizes their yellow pouch of treasures has fallen out of his pack. He runs back to look for it and sees his pouch in some reeds, but he stumbles. Billy's mom comes to help him out of the mud and explains to Billy that the real treasure is each other. The simple, loving message is supplemented with tips and suggestions to help children cope with parental illnesses.

Book information

ISBN: 9780882824376
Publisher: New Horizon Press
Imprint: New Horizon Press
Pub date:
Language: English
Number of pages: 48
Weight: -1g