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Japanese Maples

Japanese Maples The Complete Guide to Selection and Cultivation

4th Edition

Hardback (24 Feb 2010)

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Publisher's Synopsis

Among the first titles published in 1978, with more than 150,000 copies in print in three editions, Japanese Maples is a Timber Press classic. Japanese maples are unlike any other tree. They boast a remarkable diversity of color, form, and texture. As a result of hundreds of years of careful breeding, they take the center stage in any garden they are found. In the last decade, the number of Japanese maple cultivars available to gardeners has doubled and there is a pressing need for an up-to-date reference. This new fourth edition offers detailed descriptions of over 150 new introductions, updates to plant nomenclature, and new insights into established favorites. Gardeners will relish the practical advice that puts successful cultivation within everyone's grasp. Accurate identification is made simple with over 600 easy-to-follow descriptions and 500 color photographs.

About the Publisher

Timber Press

Little, Brown is the literary hardback imprint that feeds into our Abacus paperback list. We publish across a wide range of areas, including fiction, history, memoir, science and travel, but within this diverse list the vast majority of books have in common a strong narrative and a distinctive voice.

Book information

ISBN: 9780881929324
Publisher: Little, Brown
Imprint: Timber Press
Pub date:
Edition: 4th Edition
DEWEY: 635.977378
DEWEY edition: 22
Language: English
Number of pages: 404
Weight: 1724g
Height: 284mm
Width: 227mm
Spine width: 31mm