Is It Morning for You Yet?

Is It Morning for You Yet? 58th Carnegie International

Paperback (09 Feb 2023)

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Publisher's Synopsis

An expansive dialogue between old and new forms of emancipatory art

The 58th Carnegie International traces the geopolitical footprint of the US since 1945 to suggest a historical ground for the images, ideas, objects and people that shape and desire emancipatory expressions and artworks, contextualizing conversations around migration, representation, appropriation and decolonization. This 424-page publication features two dialogical tracks: a historical current that comprises existing works borrowed from institutions, estates and artists, which are placed in dialogue with recent works and new commissions.
Artists include: Abdul Hay Mossallam Zarara, Ali Eyal, Võ An Khánh, Andy Robert, Angel Velasco Shaw, Anh Tran, Antonio Martorell, Aziz Hazara, Banu Cennetoglu, Carlos Cañas, Carlos Motta, Christian Nyampeta, Claes Oldenburg, Colectivo 3, Dala Nasser, Daniel Lie, Denzil Forrester, Dia al-Azzawi, Diane Severin Nguyen, Doan Ket, Dogma Collection, Édgar Calel, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Fereydoun Ave, Giana De Dier, Hiromi Tsuchida, Hyphen-, I Gusti Ayu Kadek Murniasih and Isabel De Obaldìa.

Book information

ISBN: 9780880390705
Publisher: Carnegie Museum Of Art
Imprint: Carnegie Museum of Art
Pub date:
DEWEY: 707.474811
DEWEY edition: 23
Language: English
Number of pages: 419
Weight: 1500g
Height: 229mm
Width: 349mm
Spine width: 30mm